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Thoughts & Inspiration

I believe……

      I believe….that I will have lots of children and will raise them all in the ways of the Lord! I believe…..that God can take the worst of times and make them in the best learning experiences. It never ceases to amaze me the many things that God can use to make something great!    

            When I was about 16 I had a lot of pain with my hips. My dad is an orthopedic surgeon so I went to his office and had an MRI done of my hips. When he was looking at the results he found that I had an enlarged ovary and was quite concerned. After many tests and many doctors I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD). This is a very rare disease, only effecting about 6% of the female population. So it was pretty crazy that I ended up with it. It is a disease that effects a woman’s ability to have children. When I found out, I was devastated and just kept thinking they must have just made a wrong diagnosis. I always loved kids and constantly thought about my future as a mom and had always made plans to have lots of children. So naturally when I found this out I panicked and wondered what God was doing to me. After a couple more doctors and the same diagnosis my mom and I decided that we would accept this as God’s doing and started praying for healing.  This was honestly the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I had never really gone through anything difficult in the past. The thought of never being able to have kids and having to be on a medicine for the rest of my life killed me!  I never had to fully rely on God for anything. My family never had any families members die that were particularly close to us or anything like that. So it was quite difficult to know how to act in this situation.

            All of the amazing stories I read in the past about God magnificently moving in someone’s life and bringing people back from cancer kept coming back to my mind. So I just thought, Okay, I’ll pray once or twice and God will heal me. Well, needless to say this is not what happened. I had to pray for a good year or so before really giving it ALL to God.

            In this time period I got closer to God than I ever thought possible! I learned how to pray in a better way than I ever thought possible. I learned how to rely on God in a way that I never thought possible. I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember but it was in this time that I truly realized what it was to be a Christian.  Well after about a year and half of praying and crying I went to another follow up appointment with my doctor. After having another MRI and examination done the doctors amazingly told me I don’t have PCOD anymore! I was shocked, but at the same time I wasn’t shocked, because I remembered that I prayed to a God that brought Lazarus back to life, a God that gave sight to the blind and healed so many others in the Bible!

            From that day on I put my ENTIRE LIFE in the hands of God. I believe I will have lots of children and will raise them all the ways of the lord! It was the worst time in my life, but God took that experience and turned it around to make it the best learning experience for me and I will never be the same!